
  • Joints
  • Thyroid

Chlorella and Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism

I have been suffering from Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism for 8 years, food intolerances,osteoarthritis and musculotendinous pain as well as sleep disorders.

At the end of May 2011, I started a detox cure for my heavy metal poisoning (Klinghartd protocol). With large doses of chlorella powder (about 18 g in 3 doses per day, associated with bear garlic and coriander in mother tincture). All this over a period of about 3 months, then the same thing but with 12 g in 2 intakes/day until today. In the first results obtained, I felt my physical form improving as well as my morale: the impression to find my joy of living.

After several months (about 6 months) I realized that I did not have my usual winter colds and illnesses: nothing, no flu, no gastro etc! Yet everyone around me was getting sick.

Since this spring, my muscular pains and contractures are 3 times less important and I forget to go to my physio and osteo sessions.

My osteoarthritis has been forgotten (I have been taking Chondrosulf since December) but I feel that my ground is much less inflammatory than before.

I have the impression that I am going back in time and I can see that I am in better shape than some of my colleagues of my age (I am almost 59).

I have not tested my intoxication to heavy metals since the beginning of this cure but I am sure that my organism works better and that makes me want to continue: because frankly, who would want to stop when finally there is no more pain and that one feels better in his body and his head?

This improvement of my physical condition encourages me to continue in this research and I have resumed a gymnastic activity in addition to my daily walk; I have also stopped my (very modest) consumption of wine and, for dietetic and environmental reasons, I am also thinking of reducing my consumption of meat.

This chlorella cure has become a daily gesture that I am not ready to stop…!


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Joints

A beneficial effect on my arthritis

Chlorella has had a beneficial effect on my arthritis

I am writing to tell you about my experience with your Chlorella that I have been taking for three years now. I am almost 77 years old and I have regained a certain physical shape that I was losing more and more. I must say that the first summer after I started taking Chlorella I was surprised to find that I was able to go for long walks in the mountains again. I had to give it up because my hip was killing me. I didn’t take anything else than chlorella and it’s probably thanks to it that my arthritis doesn’t prevent me from walking for a long time.

My intestinal transit is much better and regular. I also noticed that the herpes pimples that used to appear at least once or twice a month are now only rare memories and I really appreciate that.

I am so happy with this algae that I recommend it to my friends.


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Fatigue
  • Healing
  • Joints
  • Skin
  • Well being

Solved my serious skin problem

Chlorella solved my serious skin problem and had a beneficial effect on my arthritis

Following a psychological shock in January 2007, I was attacked by an inflamed eczema, on half of my body, a golden staphylococcus took advantage of it to settle down! I was in a very important state of exhaustion. To top it all off, I caught an asthmatic bronchitis.

The physical fatigue caused a loss of morale and I was on the verge of depression. That’s when, in February 2007, seeing the state I was in, a friend advised me to take Chlorella, she gave me a box after convincing me of the role this product played on the immune system. After 2 months of taking Chlorella regularly, my limbs looked normal again.

Well, I’ve been taking it for 1 1/2 years and I haven’t had any problems since. I take 10 tablets a day in the morning with tea.

In the summer I stop taking it except if I feel a virus attack: nose starting to run, sore throat and in these cases I take 25 tablets and the next day nothing more! And every time it works! I am bluffed.

Whatever the quantity that I take, I don’t feel any discomfort on the digestive and intestinal level.

For me Chlorella has a magical side, in fact, in previous years I used to catch an average of 3 to 5 bronchitises coupled with a disabling asthma! That’s a thing of the past.

I am almost certain that I am “protected”. My spouse is sick: flu, bronchitis? I have never been sick for 1 ½ years. It is not for this reason that my friend was convinced to take it… Too bad for him!

I can’t say if Chlorella has had a beneficial effect on my sleep. I don’t sleep much, 3 to 4 hours a night, maybe I have more serene nights, and the energy despite my 64 years is still there.

Another point where I think that clorella has a beneficial effect isarthritis. I am a lover of long hikes. I had surgery on my ankle and knee after repeated untreated sprains. This year again I did 280 kms in 12 days with a backpack of about 12 kg. This is the first year that I have so little pain even though I have no cartilage in both ankles.

With all this, I have become a convinced prescriber of CHLORELLA, so beneficial are its effects. And those to whom I advised to try it, became in their turn, followers and convinced prescribers.


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Joints

I’m not afraid to move anymore!

Every movement was a pain for me, since I take Chlorella I am not afraid to move anymore!

I have been suffering from rheumatism for many years and all my movements were nothing but pain, each one costing me a lot in joint pain.

I was surprised to feel that only after one month I started to feel better and especially to see my pain decrease.

Today I can confirm that I have much less pain in all my joints and that I move better. I feel rejuvenated and can resume some of the activities I had neglected. I am really more alert and as a result my joints which are more used seem to function better.

I decided to take my 3 times 3 tablets a day before meals.


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Fatigue
  • Joints

I managed to do my shopping!

After a 3 months cure of high dose Chlorella (10 tablets 3 times a day) I managed to do my market again! I didn’t feel strong enough to do it anymore since I have been suffering from fibromyalgia for years.

I am 74 years old and Chlorella has given me back the desire to believe that everything is not over. I am not ready to stop because it does not cause me any side effect unlike many of my medications.

Julienne, 6 March 2015
  • Fatigue
  • Intestines
  • Joints

Chlorella, too miraculous!

Chlorella seemed too miraculous, I didn’t believe it! ….

We are 54 and 60 years old and have just tried chlorella (10 tablets in the morning)…

After 10 days, it’s incredible! Increased muscle tone and resistance to fatigue. Regularization of the intestinal transit. Greater flexibility of the joints. These pills had an immediate calming and de-stressing effect (this is what surprised us the most…)

We are more composed with a clearer mind. We feel as if we have swallowed serotonin pills because we are so well connected and happy. We had heard about chlorella around us but no one could really convince us – it seemed to be so magical and cure so many ailments that we were suspicious. Now we understand!

It’s not easy to list all its benefits without seeming excessive ! On the other hand, we have a little difficulty to fall asleep, the tiredness is as if gone and we are not even tired when we wake up ! We hope that this discomfort to fall asleep is temporary because we also like to sleep …

We had never taken food supplements and thought that the body could make them naturally. We really saw the difference before and after and yet we both have been in great shape for years!

We have given them to our children (20 and 28 years old) – that’s how convinced we are…. So don’t hesitate, don’t wait until you are our age to feel the beneficial effects of these magic pills!

Fabienne & Christian, 6 March 2013
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We would like to stress that the people interviewed or who testify on our blog do so in all sincerity without any conflict of interest.