
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Well being

Your product will help me a lot

Thank you for your answer

I have the impression that your product is going to help me a lot even though I take wheatgrass juice, klamath etc. but I feel that your chlorella is really special in its efficiency and it’s a pleasure to see that something is happening in the elimination and even though I’ve only been taking it for 3 days

I understand why it is number 1 in Japan.

Thank you for the quality of your algae.


Anonymous, 25 March 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality

Excellent product



Hyperten(T)ion to be corrected in the title at the bottom of the page !!!!!!

Other than that, excellent product.


Anonymous, 25 March 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality

Perfectly secure

Concerning security and delivery, my testimony :
The Echlorial website is perfectly secure for payment… reassuring!

I received my products less than 48 hours later.
I started the treatment yesterday according to the program that came with my order.

I’ll be sure to leave a comment within a month.


Anonymous, 25 March 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality

Your products are very good

Your products are very very good. Put forward that it is produced in Europe. Many people I see who consume chlorella buy it from Asia. The product is often loaded with metals and has the opposite effect.

Yours is very effective. I have already consumed chlorella which did not do me any good. Yours has given me energy, well-being and I feel in shape. If it is possible to do some analysis on your product to indicate the absence of heavy metals. I advise everyone around me to take a course of treatment, because it is really effective.




I just read the analysis, really impeccable. Thank you for communicating them to me.
I am communicating your site to several people.


Anonymous, 25 March 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality

Quality and breastfeeding

I am a person with a healthy diet and lifestyle and I always take 2 courses of chlorella every year. Can I take chlorella while breastfeeding?

How did you find out about Chlorella : internet research, of all the ones I have used, your chlorella is definitely the best in terms of quality.



Thank you Jessica for this nice compliment

You can without any problem and on the contrary (see publication) continue to take chlorella during your pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Here is the page that talks about the study that was conducted on pregnant and breastfeeding women: Pregnant & breastfeeding women

Yours sincerely,

Muriel Cathaud

Anonymous, 25 March 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality

Efficiency of your services

Thank you for the efficiency of your services. I received my package today.

I will definitely recommend your site to others.


Anonymous, 25 March 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Well being

Improvement persists for several months


Congratulations on the improvements made to your site (I haven’t consulted it for months). The detox program is in place: very good. The information on the rations to give to the animals and the testimonies on this subject are excellent. Etc. Finally serious people! I already knew that, but it is so rare!

I stopped taking your chlorella regularly because I thought that it was eliminating food supplements, vegetable silicon, chondroitin, glucosamine, etc., which I take every day (even if I space out this intake by a few hours in relation to that of the chlorella) in order to reconstitute the cartilage of a cracked meniscus (which is perfectly possible, despite the contrary opinions of ignorant and stubborn surgeons).
After many observations, during months, I have noticed that my knee “cries for help” if I take chlorella at the same time, although not at the same time… What a problem!

But when I stopped taking chlorella (except once or twice a week), I got sick, three months later, this winter, after two years without the slightest health inconvenience thanks to chlorella taken regularly ! It is very irritating ! That said, the illness was much better supported than before, and lasted much less time.

So I’m starting to take the chlorella again about three times a week, at a high dose each time, and I’m going to see if my knee still shows any signs of improvement.
Yesterday, a ganglion swelled up and hurt quite a bit, as a result of taking the new chlorella. That’s the price to pay… No other side effects.

Finally, I would like to draw your attention to the interest, in my opinion, of chlorella to keep the kidneys in good condition, both in humans and in animals.

Since taking chlorella, the very heavy (and very smelly) armpit sweats have totally stopped, which is probably a sign, in my case, of a much more efficient elimination of waste by the kidneys. Even after having stopped taking chlorella regularly, the improvement persists for several months, which is very, very remarkable.

Now I would like to give chlorella to my cats, to keep their kidneys healthy, especially as they age. Recently, one of my cats passed away from kidney disease, still young, and it was even more painful because he was only eight years old. He couldn’t even take food anymore, but I didn’t think of feeding him by tube, in the emergency room of a vet school, here in Toulouse, with a little chlorella… It’s a pity, it won’t happen to my cats anymore !

Thank you for your attention,


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality

Perfect quality of the products

Very professional: personalized order follow-up, fast shipping and impeccable product quality.
The only drawback: the price obviously… it’s more expensive than a chlorella grown in the open air and in a natural environment.
I started at the end of May 2011 a detox cure for my heavy metal poisoning (Klinghartd protocol). With important doses of chlorella in powder (about 18 g in 3 takes per day, associated with wild garlic and coriander in mother tincture). All this over a period of about 3 months, then the same thing but with 12 g in 2 intakes/day until today. In the first results obtained, I felt my physical form improving as well as my morale: the impression to find my joy of living. I have been suffering for 8 years from Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, food intolerances, osteoarthritis and musculotendinous pains as well as sleep disorders. After several months (about 6 months) I realized that I didn’t have my usual winter colds and illnesses: nothing, no flu, no gastro etc! Yet everyone around me was getting sick. Since this spring, my muscular pains and contractures are 3 times less important and I forget to go to my physio and osteo sessions. My osteoarthritis has been forgotten (I have been taking Chondrosulf since December) but I feel that my terrain is much less inflammatory than before. I have the impression that I am going back in time and I can see that I am in better shape than some of my colleagues of my age (I am almost 59).
I have not tested my intoxication to heavy metals since the beginning of this cure but I am sure that my organism works better and that makes me want to continue: because frankly, who would want to stop when finally there is no more pain and that one feels better in his body and his head?
This improvement of my physical state encourages me to continue in this research and I have resumed a gymnastic activity in addition to my daily walk; I have also stopped my (very modest) consumption of wine and, for dietetic and environmental reasons, I am also thinking of reducing my consumption of meat.
This chlorella cure has become a daily gesture that I am not ready to stop…!


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality

Thank you

Thank you for the quality of your products. My prescriber is my sister


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality

Your site is very rich

Your site is very rich, very complete in information, very understandable and inspires confidence.

Jean Pierre

Anonymous, 18 March 2015
Note from the eChlorial team
We would like to stress that the people interviewed or who testify on our blog do so in all sincerity without any conflict of interest.