• Interviews

Interview with Judith Albertat, founder of the I For Lyme endowment fund

Interview with Judith Albertat, Naturopath, former airline pilot, founder of the “I For Lyme” endowment fund and co-founder of the “Lyme sans frontière” association. Judith has also written two books on Lyme disease.

What is your background: how and why did you become a naturopath?

I think my path is that of any researcher passionate about a discovery, and understanding the associated problem. As Marie CURIE said: “Without the curiosity of the mind, what would we be? Such is the beauty and nobility of science: the never-ending desire to push back the frontiers of knowledge, to track down the secrets of matter and life without any preconceived idea of the possible consequences.
Affected by countless symptoms over 10 years ago now, and after meeting an emergency doctor who opened the doors of alternative therapies to me, I decided to train as a naturopath. I combined this with a relentless research into Lyme disease, and far beyond, into the state of our bodies living in a now highly toxic world.

Why has Lyme disease become your battle?

Perhaps I wouldn’t call it a battle! But rather a commitment, not specifically to Lyme, but rather to what I’ve discovered over the years. It’s our current environment and behaviours that are causing problems in the increase of chronic diseases – of which Lyme can be a part, but beware: not everything is Lyme!

How is Lyme disease diagnosed?

At present, it’s not possible to diagnose Lyme disease in an indisputable way. There are a number of tests available: bright-field or dark-field microscopic observations, various biological tests for humans or veterinary surgeons, bioresonance tests and so on. No test proves that borrelia, if identified, is the cause of the symptoms reported by the patient, except in cases of primary infection, at stage 1 of the disease. There are many other factors that can cause the symptoms described by the patient. If the symptomatology is suggestive of Lyme disease, then the doctor must propose appropriate treatment, which will also serve as a differential diagnosis.

In the event of confirmed Lyme disease, what is the best route to recovery, depending on the date of infestation?

From my own experience – and also from working with German doctors and therapists and seeing their practices, which use the same paths as those I’ve discovered – there’s no point in fighting the microbe for years on end. The battle is lost in advance, because the microbe is nothing; it’s the patient’s “terrain” that poses the problem. It’s this “terrain”, lacking in vital nutrients on the one hand, and generally highly intoxicated on the other, that microbes can express themselves. The strategy will therefore be to reduce the overall infectious load, but also and above all to reduce the overall toxic load and, in so doing, repair the intestine and nourish our body’s cells.

What is the aim of your “I For Lyme” Endowment Fund?

Our aim is to develop research into Lyme disease, taking into account our current environment. Borrelia has existed for millions of years, and we’ve survived this bacterium on a global scale! In my opinion, sufferers are the victims of an environment that has changed drastically over the last 70 years: we thought that chemistry would save mankind, but countless experts are beginning to realize that this is not the case – quite the contrary.

What messages would you like to pass on to our readers who want to take charge of their own quality of life?

Lyme les solutions naturelles
Lyme natural solutions by Judith Albertat

First and foremost, I’d like to say that their health and their bodies don’t belong to doctors – they belong to themselves! They are the authors of their own lives, in every respect, and as such must be the actors in their lives. We really need to think about reforming our way of life. The very first thing we need to do is change the way we eat: we need to cook “at home”, with fresh, locally-grown foods that respect the environment; we need to get rid of food additives, foods containing toxic substances (nanoparticles, various metals and toxic elements, endocrine disruptors, etc.) and foods with a high glycemic index.

It is also sometimes necessary to use high-quality, non-toxic food supplements to nourish the body’s cells. To do this, always check with the distributor to find out where the supplements come from and how they are produced! It was thanks to Dr Joachim MUTTER, a specialist in environmental medicine in Germany, that I discovered the extra-pure chlorella you offer (chlorella eChlorial®). All food supplements should guarantee the same high standards of quality! I’m constantly asking laboratories to verify this point, but fortunately there are serious companies who have the same requirements as you and me! Because we do far more harm than we can imagine with products whose traceability is not guaranteed, and which could turn out to be toxic.

It’s also important to bear in mind that problems often start in the mouth, with mercury amalgams, various toxic metal prostheses and poorly filled tooth roots – all of which lead to a proliferation of pathogens in the jaw. An oral check-up by a specialist is absolutely essential.
Last but not least, and not forgetting the dangers of our electromagnetic environment, the issue of adjuvants and other toxic nanoparticles in vaccines also needs to be considered at the highest level.

What’s your favorite quote?

“Making men dream is often the surest way to keep them asleep – precisely because dreaming gives them the illusion of being awake”.

Gustave THIBON, philosopher, 1903-2001

Message from Judith on August 03, 2018

Recognition of Lyme borreliosis in the WHO’s 11th International Classification of Diseases.

I For Lyme →

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We would like to stress that the people interviewed or who testify on our blog do so in all sincerity without any conflict of interest.


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