
I digest much better

  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Fatigue
  • Intestines
  • Well being

I started taking ECHLORIAL chlorella a month ago and my digestion is much better. I take 10 tablets in the morning with my herbal tea and it energizes me for the day. I can see in my stool that there is still a little chlorophyll in it, which indicates that I have enough, which helps the microbiota to function properly.

I also notice that I have little pimples on my thighs, which indicate that I am cleansing. My body has enough energy for a good metabolism and at the same time an eviction of toxins. I had already taken chlorella and spirulina, so I started again without taking low doses the first days.

I am very sensitive to micro algae, being a vegetarian, and I feel great when I take them.

I am happy to know that ECHLORIAL chlorella is cultivated in glass tubes, protected from any pollution, knowing that micro algae capture heavy metals. They might as well capture them in our body to eliminate them, rather than capturing them before we consume them and thus bringing them to us. I am therefore perfectly satisfied.


Pierre-andré, 9 November 2016
Note from the eChlorial team
We would like to stress that the people interviewed or who testify on our blog do so in all sincerity without any conflict of interest.


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