
Significant heavy metal poisoning

  • Heavy metals
  • Joints

We started consuming Chlorella Echlorial in early 2007, but we don’t know if our testimonies can be useful to you given their complexity!

In fact, I have polyarthritis, allopathic medicine had nothing to offer me but morphine! A friend in the same case had to regularly enter a clinic for detoxification, so I refused and opted for the alternative route.

After years of research andscamming, a yoga teacher advised me to change my diet and miraculously, the pain became more bearable. Then an honest alternative doctor diagnosed heavy metal intoxication as well as for my husband (he is lucky enough to have almost no symptoms).

So we started removing toxic amalgams and taking chlorella EChlorial. I took 320 chlorella tablets per day, but the pain was again atrocious since the removal despite the perfect protocol, the strict Seignalet diet (100% fruits, raw and organic vegetables, no animal products, not even honey, no starch, that is to say no potatoes, no legumes, no dairy products, no gluten, only one portion of organic quinoa per day) and the chlorella

The intoxication was too strong for the chlorella and the diet to be sufficient…

I was very lucky to receive excellent information from Professor Klinghardt and to follow the “American” NDF and Liver-Life protocol, to progress step by step, drop by drop … and so did my husband. In my case, I will have to follow this detox for life and the diet, but the pain is bearable. We have since come back to Echlorial chlorella because it is an incomparable help as a super food, its chlorophyll is most precious, … etc. Now my husband takes 40 tablets a day and I take 80 a day.


Anonymous, 7 July 2015
Note from the eChlorial team
We would like to stress that the people interviewed or who testify on our blog do so in all sincerity without any conflict of interest.


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