
  • Allergies
  • Intestines
  • Skin
  • Well being

I do regular cures

Being often on the move, I never took the time to write you a few words about the quality of your product.

Your chlorella is really excellent and exceptional for my health, it has rid me for a few years now of many ailments, in particular my allergies/hay fever, it has improved my skin texture, my sleep – I haven’t had insomnia for a long time now -, my transit, my concentration, my well-being, etc. I regularly do cures every year.

I make regular cures every year.

It is a complete product that everyone should have at home.

Thank you for continuing your research and sharing it with us, and especially for helping us all to maintain good health.


Anonymous, 26 October 2015
  • Allergies

Your Chlorella is extraordinary!

Your Chlorella is extraordinary and I recommend it to all my patients and friends. It has cured me of chronic colitis and recurring hypoglycemia problems.

My pancreas, my colon, my liver, my skin and my entire body feel the benefits of your pure and effective algae.



Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Allergies

Avoid the inconvenience of my allergies

With the help of Chlorella, without taking any medication, I have been able to almost avoid the physical inconveniences linked to my allergies. Moreover, the pure Chlorella that I took has a real beneficial effect on my body and also on my mind.

In 2005, I was in a period of my life where I had decided to better control my diet and to eliminate many animal proteins. I was therefore looking for protein substitutes. Knowing the nutritional virtues of seaweed, I decided to use chlorella. To see… Moreover, every year, I was suffering from rather annoying spring allergies. So I told myself that I could kill two birds with one stone with chlorella, since some friends were talking to me about it with enthusiasm. It was in March 2005.
At first, I didn’t feel much. A month later, I realized that my allergies, although still present, were really less strong than the previous year. So much so that I decided not to take any of the usual medications (antihistamines), in order to avoid ingesting chemicals.

Not only were the physical discomforts (itchy eyes, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose for long days, intense fatigue) much more bearable, but they also lasted less time. I was very surprised. And I did not make the link with chlorella until several weeks after the end of the allergy period, after having found my box of medication, bought preventively, unused.
The following year, in 2006, I made a cure of chlorella by starting 1 month before the beginning of the usual period of allergy and by reducing the intensive intake 1 month later. Without taking any medication, I was able to almost avoid the physical discomforts linked to my allergies.

When I resumed taking chlorella in early 2007, I clearly felt the beneficial effects of this algae. After a few days of taking it, I felt more awake, more alert, calmer, more composed and more balanced in my relationship with food. At the beginning I had noticed these pleasant effects but could not discern the cause. After reflecting on my recent behaviors, I deduced that the only notable change was the resumption of my daily “doses” of chlorella.
Then I stopped taking daily doses of chlorella. Out of laziness and out of my stock.

My personal experience was not influenced by any book, medical or scientific discourse, or advertising. Simply because I did not do any research, nor read anything about these algae.

I was skeptical at the beginning, and I wanted to verify by myself the effects of this algae. I came to the following conclusion: the pure chlorella that I took has a real beneficial effect on my body and also on my mind.
I strongly advise chlorella for those who would like to live a simpler, more balanced life, without systematic recourse to chemical drugs. However, I do not deduce that chlorella allows me to eliminate all medication from my life.

I don’t know if there is an established link with chlorella, but for the last 3 years I have not been sick and have not taken any medication.


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Allergies

Recovered energy and reduced allergies

With Chlorella, I improved the quality of my sleep, got back in shape and above all my allergies decreased

As soon as I started taking Chlorella, the quality of my sleep improved and I felt better during the day.

I saw my allergist again last week, a year and a half after my last visit. After doing his battery of tests, to my surprise, he advised me to reduce the dose of corticosteroids.
I owe you these few lines, since I started taking chlorella regularly after hearing your presentation. It is the argument about the reduction of inflammatory phenomena that caught my attention.

I have been suffering for years from chronic bronchitis, with all the symptoms that go with it: persistent fatty cough, and depending on the time of the year, respiratory insufficiency, asthma and high sensitivity to infections with antibiotics. Whereas in the past, these symptoms only appeared during the pollen season, they have progressively extended to the whole year.
At 58 years old, I felt like I had no respite, and sometimes I wondered how far the worsening of the disease would take me!

Traditional medicine certainly helped. Over the years, I had two desensitization treatments, one by injection and the other by mouth, which greatly reduced the signs of the grass pollen allergy. Then, as the bronchitis worsened, I had to accept inhaled corticosteroids, in different forms. A year and a half ago, my allergist advised me, in view of the results of his battery of tests, to double the dose and I followed his advice.
I started taking chlorella last July, 10 months ago. At first, I took 10 tablets of Echlorial in the morning on an empty stomach. I didn’t notice any particular improvement on the criteria I was interested in. On the other hand, the quality of my sleep improved and I found myself in better shape during the day.

Last fall was not a good one: three successive infections treated with three courses of antibiotics and January was shaping up to be the same, when I realized that I had to treat the sinusitis that was the cause of the bronchial infection. On the advice of a doctor friend, I did it in a simple way by nasal instillation of salt water at 1% concentration (physiological liquid) and a sulfur derivative. For the first time, I was able to beat an infection without the help of antibiotics. Chlorella seemed to work!

During the whole period that followed, I tried to optimize the intake of microalgae. I found that it could be taken on an empty stomach in the morning, or in one, two or three times during the day or before, during or after meals. No matter, the result was the same. I also played with the quantities and I am now taking three times a day 5 tablets after meals, that is to say a total of 15 tablets or 4.5 grams a day.

I saw my allergist again last week, a year and a half after my last visit. After doing his battery of tests, to my surprise, he advised me to reduce the dose of steroids. I didn’t think about the properties of seaweed at the time and forgot to explain my approach. But I admit that I feel better. I even resumed my jogging sessions that I had replaced a few years ago by walking. I am now waiting for the grass pollination period to arrive and I am preparing, if necessary, to increase the dose during these 3 to 4 weeks which are the most painful for me.

I hope that this testimony will be useful to other people who suffer from the same problems. One more advice for them: do not give up taking chlorella if it does not work immediately and try to optimize as I did. It is not a medicine, but a plant, a food that simply has particular properties. It does not cure, but it relieves.

Beyond the recommended dose of 3 grams per day for adults, each person must adapt it to his or her particular case. And if Echlorial works for bronchitis, what about other inflammatory diseases?

Jp, 18 March 2015
  • Allergies
  • Candida Albicans

Managing my allergy problem

I have suffered from a Candida albicans allergy for a long time.

Chlorella has helped me to manage my Candida albicans allergy problem that I have suffered for many years.

I suffered for a long time from a problem related to an allergy to Candida albicans. I have seen a significant improvement in the quality of my mucous membranes thanks to Chlorella. I tried Chlorella and I quickly noticed that my bloating had diminished with a flatter stomach as a very quick consequence.
After a first treatment of 3 months, my inflammations decreased. I was able to put back on my pants which I had given up for years because of the unbearable rubbing caused by the adjustment of the clothing.

I have considerably reduced my attacks that used to lead me to regularly take antibiotics.

Today I regularly take chlorella throughout the year at a rate of 3 g/day. I feel much better and I now consider that my problems are under control, it is a huge benefit for my quality of life!


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
Note from the eChlorial team
We would like to stress that the people interviewed or who testify on our blog do so in all sincerity without any conflict of interest.