
  • Intestines

It changed my life!

I had a lot of problems with food intolerances (lactose and casein). I had constant ENT problems, joint pain and numerous muscle contractures linked to my diet. I followed a strict diet for a year and a half, with appropriate treatment. It solved my problems, but I could make little or no deviation in my diet without suffering an eating crisis, with at least severe diarrhoea, and sometimes very painful and incapacitating intestinal cramps. I started taking chlorella two years ago, and since then, my transit has always been impeccable, and I no longer have any worries, even when I do deviations and eat dairy products. It’s changed my life!

Benjamin, 45 Ans, 27 October 2023
  • Astaxanthin T.

Clear improvement in my cerebral capacity

Every time I start an Astaxanthin cure, it’s the same thing: after about 15 days, I feel a clear improvement in my cerebral capacities. I feel like reading everything, understanding everything, seeing every film, it’s intoxicating, and it gives me great joy, which I certainly wasn’t expecting. It’s like being doped! Thank you so much.

Stéphane, 17 October 2023
  • Astaxanthin T.

Vicacity of spirit

Astaxanthin has an extraordinary effect on me, which I notice very quickly. I’ve regained my mental alertness, my brain seems revived and my memory reactivated. I feel better in my skin and a zest for life that makes me want to do lots of things.

Stéphane, 21 September 2023
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Intestines

Very serious gastric problems

I am 49 years old, sporty, with a balanced diet. I lived with very serious gastric problems (bleeding, liquid stools, great fatigue, etc.) for several months, trying to solve them with my gastroenterologist.

20 days after taking your Chlorella on a daily basis, the symptoms disappeared extraordinarily quickly. My scientific culture prevents me from claiming a miracle, but the fact that my problems improved so spectacularly at the same time as I started taking this Chlorella diet deserves this testimonial and my warmest thanks.

The control you exercise over the selection and production of your micro-algae is rare, and I’d like to thank you for it too.

Raphael, 17 August 2023
  • Heavy metals

The cause is mercury…

Hello again 🙂 the delivery went very well, 2 days later I had it. In just a few days of taking chlorella I’m already living again, I’m coming out of 3 years of nightmare, I’m writing these few lines while crying… During the 1st confinement I found myself alone by a combination of circumstances, and not being reassured I was doing my shopping as close as possible in a mini-market, and I ate canned tuna almost every day for 3 months… I finally found the cause of my malaise, which in the meantime cost me my job, my girlfriend, a lot of money to find a solution, and I became the family’s extra-terrestrial, because I was still at the stage of not being able to leave my sofa and hold a conversation… This cause is mercury!!! Thanks a million, don’t change a thing, we’ll be in touch 💜💜

Patrice, 16 August 2023
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Professionals' opinion

Chlorella practically saved my life

You know I’m passionate about your brand because chlorella saved my life, so to speak. I’m also an ambassador for the brand, which I recommend to many patients with various health concerns (the chlorella found in today’s drugstore circuit doesn’t suit me in terms of value for money). I’ve even written and sold an ebook on sleep, with an addition in the new version concerning the use of chlorella.

Guillaume, 9 August 2023
  • Astaxanthin T.

This product is really great

This product is really great, I have a very pretty complexion and a lot less wrinkles.
If I have to make a choice, this is it. The chlorella I tried is great too.

Philippe, 27 July 2023
  • Intestines

Intestinal problems

After having recurring and painful intestinal problems all my life, I discovered eChlorial’s chlorella a year ago through a friend and it has changed my life. I can enjoy dairy products and fresh cream again which I love!!!! Thank you so much!

Michel, 28 June 2023
  • Intestines
  • Stomach

Digestive candidiasis under control

I bought some chlorella and spirulina from you recently (both in powder form). I think I’ll be taking them for life, as they’re doing so much good for my digestive candidiasis, which has been brought under control.

Celine, 13 June 2023
  • Herpes, Sores
  • Intestines

Solved two major problems

With Chlorella I solved two major problems that were polluting my life, constipation and herpes labialis. I don’t think there’s anything I haven’t tried to stimulate my lazy bowels. Chlorella instantly made me feel better. Its side effects are nothing but beneficial and it’s reassuring to know that it can only do good. Since I was a teenager, I’ve been prone to fever blisters, which are so painful and unsightly on my lips. Chlorella has also freed me from the problem of herpes labialis. I’ll be eternally grateful. I’m not ready to stop.

Jean, 5 June 2023
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Immunity

200% Boost to the Immune System

As a young father, I have many sleepless nights and my child often gets sick at the nursery… In spite of that I manage to hold on and I don’t get sick thanks to my lunchtime routine: after eating I take a shaker of chlorella powder with a little fruit juice (level teaspoon) + 2 capsules of astaxanthin + 1 capsule of omega 3. Everyone in our house gets sick when the baby has something, except me… but I am the only one who religiously follows this routine because I know that without it my immune system would not be as efficient, I tried “without” and with these supplements, it’s night and day for my immune system. Thank you for your advice and your products

Vincent, 23 May 2023
  • Astaxanthin T.

It doesn’t hurt everywhere anymore

I take 2 capsules in the morning, and at noon with a little wheat germ oil and a meal.
I run between 10 and 15km a day and I don’t have any pain anywhere. (Yet I run minimally, practically barefoot).

Thank you for this exceptional product.

Philippe, 17 February 2023
  • Astaxanthin T.
  • Intestines
  • Well being

Getting back on track after a tumor

Chlorella helped me to recover from a brain tumor (9 hours of surgery) in 2011. Since then, it never leaves me and gives me vitality and well-being. On the intestinal transit it is great no need to drink liters of hepar. I started with tablets and then I followed the advice of Muriel Cathaud and since then I take the powder that I consider miraculous. I have been using it for more than 10 years and I also take astaxanthin which made me lose the sun spots I had on my face.

Nadine, 15 December 2022
  • Fatigue
  • Intestines

A harmonizing effect

I can confirm this. I tried concentrated magnesian chlorophyll and I found myself constipated, whereas chlorella has a harmonizing effect.

The same goes for the energy level, after 2 weeks of chlorella I wake up in great shape and don’t need to eat lunch anymore! Can you confirm this amazing effect?

Best wishes,

Sébastien, 2 November 2022
  • Fatigue
  • Joints

I live like a rebirth

This morning I contacted the Echlorial laboratory because I absolutely had to tell them.

Since I have been taking the chlorella powder and astaxanthin plus omega 3, I have been experiencing a rebirth. For me it is just miraculous. I was suffering from arthritis in my shoulder and I had very often painful discharges. I started the chlorella and fifteen days later I already felt the beneficial effects. They were confirmed in the following weeks.

I can tell when things are not going well but I can also tell when things are good, and I must say that I am extremely satisfied. In addition to the disappearance of the pain, I have regained a great tonus (I am 74 years old), I consider that I am saved.

Minos, 21 September 2022
Note from the eChlorial team
We would like to stress that the people interviewed or who testify on our blog do so in all sincerity without any conflict of interest.