• Chlorella

Detoxifying Power of Chlorella

Chlorella and Detoxification

Chlorella vulgaris has a three-layer cell wall, mainly composed of cellulose and chitin. This wall has great adsorbing properties towards xenobiotics, for example organic toxins like dioxin or heavy metals like mercury, cadmium or lead. This means that chlorella has the capacity to fix heavy metalsThis means that chlorella has the ability to bind heavy metals, pesticides and toxins and to rid the body of them by eliminating them naturally.

It has been noted a potential reduction of mercury toxicity during poisoning (Minamata disease) for a consumption of 4.5 g/day of Chlorella (Mishima I, Kuwano R) (*).

On the other hand, the use of Chlorella for decontamination of wastewater polluted with heavy metals is often reported in environmental technology articles (e.g. [41]; [42]; [43]). Therefore, similar adsorption processes can be designed on the surface of chlorella in the stomach and intestinal tract so that it seems possible to use CVB to extract mercury from the body via fecal excretions.

For cadmium, such processes are documented. HAGINO et al. found that chlorella increases cadmium excretion in humans. Both fecal and renal cadmium excretion are accelerated 3-7 times by CVB administration in individuals suffering from cadmium poisoning (itai-itai disease) [44].

MORITA et al. report the acceleration of dioxin excretion in dioxin-fed rats by administration of CVB (10% chlorella diet). [45].

PORE et al. published a study in which chlorella administered to rats increased the rate of detoxification of chlordecone [46]. It was shown that chlorella caused the toxin to be eliminated from the body more than twice as fast as in the control group.

Chemical pollutants such as dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), widely present in our environment, accumulate in the body. At high levels they can be toxic and cause health problems.

These pollutants cross the placental barrier. They are also found in breast milk. Fetuses and infants are all the more exposed if the mothers have a high concentration of these pollutants.

A study has shown that a consumption of 6 grams per day of Chlorella during pregnancy can reduce by about 30% the concentration of dioxins in breast milk. At the same time, it has been shown that there is a significant increase in the concentration of immunoglobulin (Ig)A in milk. The consumption of Chlorella by pregnant and breastfeeding women would thus have a double beneficial effect for infants, that of reducing their exposure to dioxins and that of better protecting them against the risks of infections.

(*) MISHIMA I., KUWANO R. The case for grosmin administration for chronic Minamata disease patients. Unpublished data.

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