
  • Hair and nails
  • Intestines
  • Menopause
  • Skin

An effect on my hot flashes

For me, chlorella helps to keep my skin suppler and of better quality, and makes it more resistant to the sun. My nails grow well and harden, my hair forms and falls out less, my bowel movements are regular and, above all, it has an effect on my hot flushes.

Have a nice day!

Laura, 29 May 2024
  • Hair and nails
  • Heavy metals
  • Joints

Macrophage myofacitis

I have been a nurse for 46 years and suffer from muscle and joint pain, intense and frequent headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome, shortness of breath and major memory problems. I have been in medical wandering since 1987, despite numerous examinations and various treatments, anti inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, triptans, all not very effective and harmful (stomach ulcer).

At the beginning of 2018 the doctors certifying me that all my exams were normal, I searched for myself on the internet and found a hypothesis!
I then contacted the department of rare neuromuscular diseases at Henri Mondor hospital in Créteil, I was given a muscle biopsy of the deltoid and the diagnosis fell, my muscles contain aluminum hydroxide nanoparticles (the adjuvant found in the hepatitis B vaccines marketed since 1984). My symptoms started just after my 4 mandatory vaccinations to work as a nurse, done in 85 and 86. The aluminum is in all my body, my organs and my brain. This adjuvant is now found in all mandatory vaccines for infants.

This disease does not affect all vaccinated people, because it is due to a genetic predisposition (like many autoimmune diseases) and we are only 1000 in France! Now I finally know what I have, but there is no possible cure.

I am followed by a naturopath specialized in detox and she had advised me the Chlorella of Echlorial that I take since the beginning of 2018. This has helped me with my nails that looked like wavy sheetrock and were peeling off the flesh, my dry skin issues and psoriasis, with a little improvement in my aches and pains. She also makes me take organic MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane), Quinton serum, glutathione for my liver, high dose of Vit C and I drink water rich in silica (Volvic) on the advice of Professor Exley, a world specialist in aluminum. I am also followed by Professor Authier at the Henri Mondor Hospital but we are in fact used as guinea pigs because they don’t have enough experience with this disease. I had all my fillings removed by a hollistic dentist and I am looking for solutions to detoxify myself as much as possible!

If anyone has any tips, I’d love to hear from you :)

See E3M website for more info on this disease



Odile, 6 January 2020
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Hair and nails
  • Heavy metals
  • Skin

Tested dozens of brands

I tested dozens of brands of chlorella and in the end the best one that really has a positive impact on my body is the brand eChlorial. Conscious of the atmospheric pollution, they cultivate algae under glass tubes, thus preventing any contact with the external pollutants! You have at home a product of the purest that it is.
I can only recommend this one! I even did a hair test in Germany to detect my level of heavy metals following a chlorella treatment! The before and after results are more than significant! I don’t lose my hair anymore, my nails, my skin, my whole organism problem is recent! It’s just a top quality product!


(Consumer for 5 years)

Testimonial originally published on Facebook

Anne-so, 14 January 2019
  • Hair and nails

After a heavy treatment against cancer!

After a heavy treatment against cancer, now finished, and during which I took daily chlorella, I saw my hair grow back thicker than before, and my nails, which had a tendency to split for a very long time, grow very strong and beautiful.

My skin is also more beautiful!

From now on I continue to take chlorella on a daily basis!

I also make my husband take some, and I even give 6 tablets in two times to my dog, and we are all three doing magnificently well!


Testimony originally published on the article “Chlorella and detox: how it works”.

Anonymous, 26 December 2018
  • Hair and nails
  • Immunity

Chemotherapy, breast surgery

Since my last operation I have undergone chemotherapy, breast surgery and radiotherapy. During this period I took a higher dose of your Chlorella. My cancer is now under control and I am considered cured!

I don’t know if the Chlorella has anything to do with it, but I have noticed an extraordinary improvement in the condition of my nails, which were crumbly and thin, and which are now hard, solid and I can wear them long. The same goes for my hair, which is growing back nicely, but thicker than before! I will continue to take it for life, because I am convinced of its benefits!

Sincerely yours,


Christiane, 29 October 2018
  • Hair and nails
  • Intestines

My transit has become daily

Slight dizziness the first three days of taking it, then nothing more, very dark stools the first two weeks, my transit has become daily, even twice a day, whereas before it was every other day, my belly is deflated, my hair is silkier, more beautiful and I feel more vitality every day.


Brigitte, 26 March 2015
  • Hair and nails
  • Heavy metals

Lashes are thicker and shinier

The chlorella provides a rather fast well-being. I think it has an inflammatory activity but to be confirmed. After 3 months, my eyelashes are thicker and shinier, my hair is also beautiful without having to use styling products (a great first for me). My residual acne has disappeared. On the other hand, I noticed that the duration of my period went from 5/6 days to 2/3 days over the last two months of taking it. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the chlorella. A downside: following the chlorella, I started a spirulina cure and there, some signs of detoxification (small buttons, gas). So after 4 months of chlorella, I still had toxins to eliminate?



Reply to Vanessa

We have always accumulated toxins and heavy metals. We don’t clean our body in a few days, or even in a few weeks. For some it will be faster than others. In all cases, many months will be necessary.
However, the benefits of Chlorella, as you point out, are quickly perceptible, and for some in a very surprising way.

I wish you all the best,

Muriel Cathaud

Anonymous, 25 March 2015
  • Hair and nails
  • Intestines
  • Skin

Positive side effects!

I found only positive side effects to Chlorella!

As you told me, Chlorella instantly solved my chronic constipation problems.

Since 3 months that I take chlorella I feel better, moreover I have beautiful nails which do not flake anymore, which are hard, that I can varnish again. They stay well done for more than a week with the varnish whereas before it didn’t last more than 2 days. My skin is much better too.
I am really happy and my friends want to try it now!
So, see you soon and thank you again for your attention and your time.


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Fatigue
  • Hair and nails
  • Skin
  • Well being

General well being recovered

Great, chlorella has helped me get rid of a number of problems:
Dermatological: less intolerant skin.
General well-being recovered, no more attacks of tiredness, I finally stopped having insomnia! no more migraines. I have regained my morale, no more anxiety attacks, hair that grows very quickly, white nails.

My spouse is also testing it and is delighted.


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
Note from the eChlorial team
We would like to stress that the people interviewed or who testify on our blog do so in all sincerity without any conflict of interest.