
  • Hair and nails
  • Intestines
  • Menopause
  • Skin

An effect on my hot flashes

For me, chlorella helps to keep my skin suppler and of better quality, and makes it more resistant to the sun. My nails grow well and harden, my hair forms and falls out less, my bowel movements are regular and, above all, it has an effect on my hot flushes.

Have a nice day!

Laura, 29 May 2024
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Menopause
  • Skin
  • Well being

Chlorella: a revelation

My encounter with Chlorella started timidly a year ago with other brands…alternatively with spirulina. At that time, after a drop in form, energy and some manifestations of early hormonal changes…(the ugly pre-menopause!), I plunged back into the questions of global health, metabolism, syndromes of modernity, (endocrine disruptors, heavy metals and other delights)…to arrive at the subjects of detox, nutritional deficiencies, enzymes, immune system…and I naturally arrived at Echlorial…

A well documented, serious and demanding site…at my first order, I started with 5 or 6 tablets/day with some intestinal discomforts…the detox was doing its work…I persevered then I increased progressively…the sensation of a great inner cleansing, blood parameters that improved, a skin that was revived, a renewal of energy and form followed…There are encounters that are revelations…THANKS


Jan Veronique, 27 June 2015
  • Intestines
  • Menopause
  • Thyroid

Hypothyroidism and constipation

It is Chlorella that prevented me from all the symptoms of hypothyroidism

It is by the greatest of chance that I discovered that my thyroid was being destroyed. I had asked my doctor for a biological check-up to find out where I was in the evolution of menopause.

When I saw my test results, my doctor found it hard to believe that I had no clinical symptoms of my thyroid dysfunction. I am in great shape physically and mentally! We had all the tests redone!

However, the results were confirmed and I started taking Levotyrox, as a preventive measure, the doctor told me …. I wonder!

I am convinced that it is Chlorella that has protected me from the symptoms of hypothyroidism (tiredness, weight gain …) I take 15 tablets of chlorella in the morning and this for more than 6 years.

At the time, I had found in chlorella the means to solve my chronic constipation problems and to avoid temporary loss of energy.

I am very faithful to this small algae which keeps me in shape and this is not about to stop.

Catherine, 18 March 2015
  • Menopause

I’m re-visiting!

I am living again thanks to the “CHLORELLA”.


I absolutely want to confirm that the treatment with CHLORELLA is great!

I had a lot of hot flashes day and night, after the 24th day of taking chlorella ………… I am delighted ……. none!

I RE VIs ! Super the “CHLORELLA

Thank you for the people who told me about it!


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
  • Menopause

The solution: Chlorella

I found a solution for my menopausal problems, it’s called Chlorella

I couldn’t get a good night’s sleep anymore! and it had been over 9 months! I couldn’t take it anymore!

A friend of mine had been talking to me about Chlorella for a long time but I was skeptical about its possibilities to help me with this problem of hot flashes due to menopause.

Two months ago, I let myself be tempted, it is true that I was not risking much! What a surprise, what happiness …. my hot flashes faded very quickly, sometimes I don’t have them at all for several weeks.

When my hot flashes come back intermittently, I double the doses and it ends up passing.

It only took about 20 days for the effects to start appearing.

I take 12 tablets a day before breakfast. When I stop for a few days, they invariably come back. Maybe it will stop one day but for now it is systematic.

I don’t know if I can say it too, but I have the impression that Chlorella also regulates my mood swings. I had a tendency, lately, to suddenly go from joy to memancholy in a totally unexplained way. Today, I really feel better in my body and in my head.

It is therefore with pleasure that I share my experience with chlorella with as many of you as possible so that you too can benefit from the advantages of chlorella.


Anonymous, 18 March 2015
Note from the eChlorial team
We would like to stress that the people interviewed or who testify on our blog do so in all sincerity without any conflict of interest.