
  • Heavy metals
  • Intestines
  • Well being

Purifying Chlorella

I tried chlorella in tablet form several times, at first for heavy metal poisoning (mercury). I noticed that it improved my digestive system, that I felt better. But I didn’t like the taste and the tablets (I prefer the powder).

Then I discovered Echlorial chlorella, and found its taste very good, it had nothing to do with the other brands I tested before.

On the other hand, it is better to start with small doses before increasing, if like me you are very sensitive to what you eat. I quickly felt that my body got used to it and now I can consume large quantities (when I feel like it) without any problem.

I mix it with fruit juice.

It is a precious help for me, I feel a purifying and regenerating effect.

I try to listen to my body and to consume it when I feel like it, like for everything else if possible…


Lili, 30 November 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Well being

A + of quality of life

As a consumer of Chlorella for years, I felt from the first months a + of vital impetus and good mood, I did not personally feel any unpleasantness at the beginning, starting gradually by 1 the 1st day, 2 the 2nd, etc… until 10.

I include it in my daily diet at a rate of 10cp per day in 5+5 (main meals) or 7+3 if I eat fish at lunch (likely to contain the most heavy metals).

I started to include it in my diet after having seen a report dedicated to it in 2009 on “arte” with the testimony of a German biologist researcher evoking its potential of chelation of heavy metals. Moreover, it is used as an “alicament” in Japanese hospitals since the 70s.


Gérard, 30 November 2015
  • Intestines
  • Joints
  • Well being

I have resumed activities, I am reliving

I started 7 weeks ago, I quickly felt a better digestion. I suffer from important chronic back pains which have been alleviated with the intake of chlorella + rhodiola rosea in phials. I currently take Chlorella and POSITIV ON and no more back pain.

I have resumed activities, I am reviving.


Mary, 30 November 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Intestines
  • Well being

4 years of regular catches

I have been taking chorella regularly for 4 years.

At the beginning I had a lot of side effects: anxiety attacks, not very well psychologically. But I read that the less you feel good, the more you should take it. That’s what I did, I took 20 a day in one go.

I also wanted to tell you that I took 15 a day while pregnant and I had no side effects during my pregnancy.

No vomiting, no constipation, no nausea, in short nothing and my son is doing well, but be careful not to take just any one, I always took Echlorial because it is cultivated under glass, don’t have fun taking something else because there is chlorella with metals, but don’t put it in contact with iron, put it in a wooden cupboard and if you take it in powder form take it with a wooden spoon.


Jdack, 30 November 2015
  • Animals and Pets
  • Sleep
  • Well being

General wellness

I advised chlorella to my daughter who snores a lot since her childhood with sleep apnea. She feels much better, even though it has only been a week.

My dog used to scratch a lot and I give him some at the same time as me: he loves it and asks for it…and scratches much less.

Besides, I am a kinetic-osteo and experiment a lot of food supplements and labs in order to be able to advise my patients: I think I can say that your chlorella is of quality and efficient.

Clotilde, 30 November 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Heavy metals
  • Intestines
  • Well being

Chlorella, a golden food

While browsing the net I discovered chlorella because being a smoker I needed to get rid of heavy metals. I went through a lot of sites that sold it but I found that of Echlorial better because it is protected by glass tubes and therefore protected from air pollution like chemtrails.

Since then I have been using it for several years and I even give it to my cat who loves it and I feel much better on all levels. It has helped me overcome my constipation, remove my stomach upset, clear my bronchial tubes, and certainly many other things that I am not aware of.

I have recommended it to all my family and friends who are delighted.
That’s my story.


Victoria, 30 November 2015
  • Circulation
  • Fatigue
  • Professionals' opinion
  • Well being

Better vitality

– How and why do you consume Chlorella Echlorial?
First of all by curiosity about this famous super food of which I read a few articles including the one on Naturo-passion, then because I am vegan and I pay attention to my health. We do it together with my spouse, because he has digestive problems and I wanted to help him with natural means.

– How did you manage to start taking the product (side effects or not, which ones, how did you manage them?)
We first started with 1 tablet 3 times a day on Monday, 2 days in a row, then 2 and so on, on the 4th day everything was fine so we went directly to 4 tablets 3 times a day on Friday, and on Saturday we went to 5. The only side effect if we can say it is to have green stools, it’s a little strange at the beginning but it’s logical in fact ^^

– What is your daily consumption, how did you define it, does it vary?
We opted for a total of 15 per day, more convenient to do in 3 doses, it’s been 10 days since we started and we already see the first benefits, we will adjust as needed but for now it seems to suit.

– Since when do you consume Chlorella and how do you use it (continuously, in cure) ?
We opted for a cure of about 3 months, we took a box of 1kg for us 2.

– The benefits felt (which ones, evolution, after how long)?
For my husband, his digestive problems are already being solved after 8 days, he is also in a better mood, more joyful, I would say, he has also found his energy, it must be a combination, he has big back problems and for the last 2-3 days he wants to go out for a walk even though it’s very cold ^^ he has haemorrhoid problems too, it seems to be better but it’s not solved yet. We are also waiting to see if there is a real benefit on the nervous system, he has many neuralgia.
As for me, I don’t have any real health concerns, I noticed that I was less hungry, a little more energy too. I do a lot of sport, about 1 hour a day and I have the impression that I recover better.
What is sure is that I sleep much better too!

– How did you discover Chlorella ?
I am a naturopath, I had heard about it and I looked into it to deepen my knowledge and particularly to help one of my clients. I then started to read on the internet and then I bought the book (which I haven’t finished yet).

Even if I already have one, I would like to offer the book to my family and friends, especially for my mother who is coming out of her 2nd cancer and who doesn’t really believe that we can get better by “eating grass” as she says ^^. I think it will do her a lot of good.

Amandine, Naturopath

Nysaah, 30 November 2015
  • Allergies
  • Intestines
  • Skin
  • Well being

I do regular cures

Being often on the move, I never took the time to write you a few words about the quality of your product.

Your chlorella is really excellent and exceptional for my health, it has rid me for a few years now of many ailments, in particular my allergies/hay fever, it has improved my skin texture, my sleep – I haven’t had insomnia for a long time now -, my transit, my concentration, my well-being, etc. I regularly do cures every year.

I make regular cures every year.

It is a complete product that everyone should have at home.

Thank you for continuing your research and sharing it with us, and especially for helping us all to maintain good health.


Anonymous, 26 October 2015
  • Energy
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Well being

I can do my groceries again!

I can do my groceries again!

After a 3 months cure of Chlorella at very high doses (10 pills, three times a day), I finally can go back to the market and do my grocery shopping! I lost my strength year after year since I suffer from fibromyalgia.

I am 74 years old and Chlorella gave me back the feeling that this was not the end. I am not going to stop taking Chlorella as it also is free of side effects, which is not the case for a number of medical treatments.


Anonymous, 30 July 2015
  • Energy
  • Intestines
  • Well being

Chlorella seemed too “Miraculous”

Chlorella seemed too “Miraculous”; I did not believe its virtues at first…

We are respectively 54 and 60 years old and recently started taking Chlorella (10 pills/day)

We felt incredible after 10 days! We were more physically able, less tired, and felt a better and more regular intestinal activity. Chlorella immediately had a relaxing effect on us (This is what surprised us the most).

We felt more relaxed and had a clearer mind. It’s like we ate serotonin pills since we were so happy and connected. We heard about Chlorella around us but nobody could convince us – the alga seemed “too” good to be true, so we were suspicious. Now we understand why!

It is not an easy task to point out all the benefits of this alga without raising doubts. On the other hand, we had a little bit of trouble getting to sleep since we were less tired, but not even tired when waking up! We hope that this sleeping issue is temporary since we like to sleep…

We never took complimentary nutrients in the past and thought that our body could just naturally create some. We really saw the difference before and after, despite the fact that we are both in very good shapes!

Now we are so convinced that we even gave some to our children (20 & 28). So don’t hesitate and do not wait to reach our ages to feel the positive effects of this great alga!

Fabienne & Christian

Anonymous, 30 July 2015
  • Herpes, Sores
  • Well being

Chlorella gave me back some youth and cured my herpes problem

I want to share my experience with Chlorella that I have been taking since 3 years now. I am 80 years old; I got back some physical strength that I was progressively losing since several years. I have to say that I started to feel the positive effects of my chlorella’s consumption since the first summer I started taking it – I could hike and walk for a long time in the mountains I love. I had to stop hiking for a while because my hip made me suffer. I only take Chlorella and this is most likely why arthritis stopped keeping me from hiking.

My intestinal transit is much better and regular. I also noticed that my herpes which used to show up once or twice a month became only a bad memory – which is very much appreciated.

I am so happy and satisfied I discovered Chlorella that I recommend it to all my friends!


Anonymous, 30 July 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Fatigue
  • Joints
  • Well being

Much more energy and stress reduction

At the beginning of 2014, a pain in my right hip, wakes me up at night, in September of the same year not being able to bear it anymore, I change my mattress which was twenty years old, identical pain, not being able to bear it anymore I remember the chlorella used in 2010 for a dental extraction “but used only 15 days” and especially the kindness, the listening and the advices of Muriel Cathaud director, that I recontact being my lifesaver (I no longer believe in traditional medicine, since 1986, it is thanks to alternative medicine that I got out of a nervous breakdown that lasted 15 years, I forgot to tell you, I am 76 years old).

On March 23, 2015 I use Chlorella again, and there!…surprise! mid-April 2015 no more pain at night, finished, gone, we are at the beginning of July, it’s wonderful, thank you Muriel, thank you to all the people who make this little green algae.

Oh, that’s not all … I decide to play the game for 3 months for the regrowth of my hair because the scalp was thinning, YES, it works, my hairdresser is amazed at the result, and well I can assure you that it is not 3 months but ONE year that I will take Chlorella.


– much more toned, less tired

– less stressed

– less aggressive and more patient

– much cooler

– and the icing on the cake, I’ve regained a taste for life.

Ah an oversight, my sister leaving a 15 day stay with us, told me that my head was no longer shaking, and about her, Annie who has a deforming rheumatoid arthritis had no inflammation during her visit to the house, yes you got it, she has been consuming Chlorella for 2 months. It works, in May 2015 we left 5 days 780 kilometers, I ensured the driving without fatigue isn’t it wonderful!……

An advice if you allow it, it is to note the changes which take place, because when we are well we forget easily the worries of health which we had BEFORE and it is very well.

Thank you very much Muriel


Thérèse, 7 July 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Menopause
  • Skin
  • Well being

Chlorella: a revelation

My encounter with Chlorella started timidly a year ago with other brands…alternatively with spirulina. At that time, after a drop in form, energy and some manifestations of early hormonal changes…(the ugly pre-menopause!), I plunged back into the questions of global health, metabolism, syndromes of modernity, (endocrine disruptors, heavy metals and other delights)…to arrive at the subjects of detox, nutritional deficiencies, enzymes, immune system…and I naturally arrived at Echlorial…

A well documented, serious and demanding site…at my first order, I started with 5 or 6 tablets/day with some intestinal discomforts…the detox was doing its work…I persevered then I increased progressively…the sensation of a great inner cleansing, blood parameters that improved, a skin that was revived, a renewal of energy and form followed…There are encounters that are revelations…THANKS


Jan Veronique, 27 June 2015
  • Well being

Excellent food supplement

Dr Adam’s explanations are completely verifiable after two months of taking Chlorella. I also take spirulina as a supplement as he advises. When I am hungry during the day instead of taking food, basically snacking, I take 5 tablets of chlorella and that is enough to fill the gap! Clearly, I sometimes exceed the dose of 15 tablets to 20, but that is not every day either.

From now on, I won’t be able to do without it!

Sincerely yours,


Anonymous, 9 June 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Heavy metals
  • Well being

Amalgam detoxification

A big thank you to Mrs Cathaud for her kindness. The service is excellent, as is the quality of the chlorella.

I have been taking it for a year, and thanks to this product, I was able to undertake a really effective detoxification of mercury as well as the removal of my amalgams, having had many health problems because of them.

Today I feel much better, it is incomparable! and I continue the detox with chlorella, a precious ally of my well-being.


Anonymous, 13 April 2015
Note from the eChlorial team
We would like to stress that the people interviewed or who testify on our blog do so in all sincerity without any conflict of interest.