
  • Fatigue
  • Heavy metals
  • Well being

Deep detox

Prescribed by my Naturopath for a deep detox of heavy metals. No problems, no digestive concerns. Effects felt:

– Improved transit

– Better energy

– Clearer mind

– Greater mental energy

Yours sincerely

Jean-baptiste, 4 April 2024
  • Astaxanthin T.
  • Fatigue
  • Immunity
  • Intestines
  • Well being

Chronic fatigue

Having suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome for 22 years, I’ve tried a number of food supplements. For the 1st time, I felt a real improvement with chorella and astaxanthin (supplemented with SamE and shilajit resin). Improved energy, mood, concentration, digestion and immunity.

Many thanks for the quality of these products.

Naomi, 25 January 2024
  • Fatigue
  • Herpes, Sores
  • Intestines

Transit and Herpes…

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always had serious transit and herpes problems! As a young adult, my jobs exposed me to high-altitude sunlight, with recurrent fatigue and hyper-energetic foods…

My second life led me to live in camps at the ends of the earth, with 11-hour time differences and unbalanced diets!

Lives favoring a perfect cocktail for my galleys!

Today I live in the most polluted valley in the Alps, which is what led me to Muriel Cathaud and her invaluable advice. I wanted to cleanse my body. I had no idea how beneficial taking chlorella could be for me, and at the same time solve my chronic transit and herpes problems.

Since I’ve been taking chlorella, I’ve noticed that I get less and less flu in winter, even though I used to have very little of it, which gives me a much-appreciated extra boost.

As for my son, who has obviously picked up both the good and the bad, he hasn’t been spared. As a high-level athlete, he races on the World Cup circuit all winter at a very steady pace, 3 to 4 races a week. His stress caused him anxiety at the start, which risked ending with a run to the toilet rather than medals, while at the same time he avoided falling ill with all the travelling he had to do. He is now enjoying the benefits of the chlorella he has adopted.

Jean Louis, 10 January 2024
  • Fatigue
  • Intestines

A harmonizing effect

I can confirm this. I tried concentrated magnesian chlorophyll and I found myself constipated, whereas chlorella has a harmonizing effect.

The same goes for the energy level, after 2 weeks of chlorella I wake up in great shape and don’t need to eat lunch anymore! Can you confirm this amazing effect?

Best wishes,

Sébastien, 2 November 2022
  • Fatigue
  • Joints

I live like a rebirth

This morning I contacted the Echlorial laboratory because I absolutely had to tell them.

Since I have been taking the chlorella powder and astaxanthin plus omega 3, I have been experiencing a rebirth. For me it is just miraculous. I was suffering from arthritis in my shoulder and I had very often painful discharges. I started the chlorella and fifteen days later I already felt the beneficial effects. They were confirmed in the following weeks.

I can tell when things are not going well but I can also tell when things are good, and I must say that I am extremely satisfied. In addition to the disappearance of the pain, I have regained a great tonus (I am 74 years old), I consider that I am saved.

Minos, 21 September 2022
  • Fatigue
  • Intestines

More effective than magnesium chlorophyll

I tried concentrated magnesian chlorophyll and found myself constipated, whereas chlorella has a harmonizing effect.
The same goes for the energy level, after 2 weeks of chlorella I wake up in great shape and don’t need to eat lunch anymore! Can you confirm this amazing effect? Kind regards

Sébastien, 2 March 2022
  • Animals and Pets
  • Fatigue

Important action on health and longevity


I have just finished your book and as promised I am coming back to you. I really appreciated this book, very complete and precise. I think that chlorella and spirulina have an important action on health and longevity.

Like a good quality candle that lights up to the end. This is not often the case with humans in the aging phase (my wife is a nurse in an Ehpad!!!) In the latest medical information, two orientations, the great replacement: organs, joints etc. and a regeneration medicine. This last one is unfortunately a minority!

In my research work on motor skills in the ageing phase, I notice that many high level sportsmen have big physical problems after 35 years old! During the training courses that I lead, it is complicated to make people understand that martial arts practice must be holistic and not simply a fighting method.

So I test chlorella and to a lesser extent spirulina. The first findings suggest that the latter are a precious help on the linking elements in the practice of the H.Hida method and the enteric nervous system.

I will come back to you at the end of the medical and sports tests. I have two dogs, 11 and 14 years old, after taking chlorella and spirulina in the morning, a clear transformation of their general condition, motor skills, vigor and general activity.

Jean Claude, 2 March 2022
  • Astaxanthin T.
  • Fatigue

Addicted to this product!

I’ve been taking chlorella echlorial continuously for more than 5 years now, and I’ve been taking astaxanthin for 6 months. I can say that I am addicted to this product because I don’t want to do without it as it does me so much good.

I discovered chlorella at a difficult time in my life. In 2014, I had brain surgery for a tumor that fortunately turned out to be benign. My doctor had recommended it to me, saying it would help strengthen my body and would make a good cleanse of the anesthesia products after surgery. Chlorella immediately gave me tone and a better morale which I really needed.

I am 55 years old and I like to move, I am rather sporty. Today I can say that chlorella and astaxanthin, taken in combination, give me “the zest”!
Since the beginning of the year I have been taking astaxanthin (3 capsules per day). It improves my endurance and gives me better recovery capacities. I also expect this product to protect my brain from aging. I find this product amazing!

Chlorella and astaxanthin are now part of my daily routine, these algae have their place in my diet. They are really great for the form and the morale, you have to test them to make an idea.


Nadine, 14 April 2020
  • Fatigue
  • Intestines
  • Joints

Reduction of intestinal pain

A boost of energy and a reduction of intestinal pain. Being a basic skeptic, it didn’t take long for me to be convinced :) And why take drugs when a natural solution can help… Thank you!


Damien Gosset, 8 February 2017
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Fatigue
  • Intestines
  • Well being

I digest much better

I started taking ECHLORIAL chlorella a month ago and my digestion is much better. I take 10 tablets in the morning with my herbal tea and it energizes me for the day. I can see in my stool that there is still a little chlorophyll in it, which indicates that I have enough, which helps the microbiota to function properly.

I also notice that I have little pimples on my thighs, which indicate that I am cleansing. My body has enough energy for a good metabolism and at the same time an eviction of toxins. I had already taken chlorella and spirulina, so I started again without taking low doses the first days.

I am very sensitive to micro algae, being a vegetarian, and I feel great when I take them.

I am happy to know that ECHLORIAL chlorella is cultivated in glass tubes, protected from any pollution, knowing that micro algae capture heavy metals. They might as well capture them in our body to eliminate them, rather than capturing them before we consume them and thus bringing them to us. I am therefore perfectly satisfied.


Pierre-andré, 9 November 2016
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep
  • Well being

Total surprise

Before I get started, I want to make it clear that I am not pro-organic, pro-vegan, pro-food supplement, etc. I don’t really eat healthy, but whatever…

Here is my personal feedback on chlorella:

A friend had told me several times about Chlorella a few months ago. Not being a fan of drugs and other food supplements, it didn’t really “echo” in my ears. No one else in my circle knew about it either… Later on, during a professional trip, I talked with several people who were also taking it, and they explained me more precisely what these green algae were, their virtues, their history, the legend of Japan, blablabla. When I came back I ordered a box, not that I was convinced but I don’t like to die stupid.

It took me 3 months to decide to take it! I remember the smell when I opened the jar of pills for the first time… It didn’t make me want to take it… and the capsules were a bit big for my taste. Anyway, once I got past this psychological stage, it’s good :)

Before starting the consumption, I followed my friend’s recommendations, namely listening to your body the week before you start taking it. Concretely, this consists in identifying the moments of your day: tiredness, loss of concentration, not wanting to move, etc.

D-Day. I start soft: 5 tablets.

From the first day I noticed a kind of “boost” (like drinking a redbull but without the fatigue after 7 hours). However I was unable to know if this was due (or not) to Chlorella. Being skeptical by nature, I put it on the fact that I had drunk 5 coffees that day.

I continued the following days (5 the first 15 days, then 6 since), and there, pleasant surprise: I thought that it would not make any difference, it was the opposite. In short: a better muscle tone (almost never tired), no more concentration problems (even though I work all day in front of the screens), no more tiredness. I also sleep much better.

For me Chlorella is effective and I cannot deny its beneficial effects. The best advice I can give you is to talk about it with someone who uses it to have a better idea.

P.S.: Personally I advise you to take your tablets with orange juice, it is much more pleasant than with water or coffee.


Pierre, 23 May 2016
  • Circulation
  • Fatigue
  • Heavy metals
  • Intestines
  • Joints

Chlorella in the arteries

Before 2013, not a day went by without me complaining about pain in my feet, back, joints, hemorrhoids, and so on…

Then one day, I discovered on the net, an advertisement talking about Chlorella. I got in touch with the professor to reassure me of the reliability of the product.

I started to take, first, 3 tablets, then, went to 6 to finish to 9 per day. I admit and with sincerity that the pains disappeared and I started to feel good in my body and in my head. My intestinal transit became normal. I think that one of the qualities of Chlorella is to purify the blood of all that is toxic, and it works too well! I recommend it to everyone, in all sincerity.

Thank you for your help.


Marsusse Lavrel, 30 November 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Fatigue
  • Healing
  • Well being

Ensuring serenity and health

I have been using chorella for years on a fairly regular basis. I also give it daily (mixed with applesauce) to my two children, aged 3 and 1, to fortify them.

I took some when I was pregnant. My youngest son who had an accident recently, was hospitalized and operated under general anesthesia, he was very exhausted. Back home, I gave him chorella and he quickly healed and found sleep again.

Chorella, mainly from ECHLORIAL because it is produced in greenhouses and protected from atmospheric pollution, is for me the safest algae in terms of quality.

I think that today’s food is poorer and less complete in nutrients than before, especially because of chemical treatments in agriculture.

Also, taking chorella is very useful for my family to assure us serenity and health thanks to its richness in vitamins, trace elements and also proteins.


Fiffi, 30 November 2015
  • Circulation
  • Fatigue
  • Professionals' opinion
  • Well being

Better vitality

– How and why do you consume Chlorella Echlorial?
First of all by curiosity about this famous super food of which I read a few articles including the one on Naturo-passion, then because I am vegan and I pay attention to my health. We do it together with my spouse, because he has digestive problems and I wanted to help him with natural means.

– How did you manage to start taking the product (side effects or not, which ones, how did you manage them?)
We first started with 1 tablet 3 times a day on Monday, 2 days in a row, then 2 and so on, on the 4th day everything was fine so we went directly to 4 tablets 3 times a day on Friday, and on Saturday we went to 5. The only side effect if we can say it is to have green stools, it’s a little strange at the beginning but it’s logical in fact ^^

– What is your daily consumption, how did you define it, does it vary?
We opted for a total of 15 per day, more convenient to do in 3 doses, it’s been 10 days since we started and we already see the first benefits, we will adjust as needed but for now it seems to suit.

– Since when do you consume Chlorella and how do you use it (continuously, in cure) ?
We opted for a cure of about 3 months, we took a box of 1kg for us 2.

– The benefits felt (which ones, evolution, after how long)?
For my husband, his digestive problems are already being solved after 8 days, he is also in a better mood, more joyful, I would say, he has also found his energy, it must be a combination, he has big back problems and for the last 2-3 days he wants to go out for a walk even though it’s very cold ^^ he has haemorrhoid problems too, it seems to be better but it’s not solved yet. We are also waiting to see if there is a real benefit on the nervous system, he has many neuralgia.
As for me, I don’t have any real health concerns, I noticed that I was less hungry, a little more energy too. I do a lot of sport, about 1 hour a day and I have the impression that I recover better.
What is sure is that I sleep much better too!

– How did you discover Chlorella ?
I am a naturopath, I had heard about it and I looked into it to deepen my knowledge and particularly to help one of my clients. I then started to read on the internet and then I bought the book (which I haven’t finished yet).

Even if I already have one, I would like to offer the book to my family and friends, especially for my mother who is coming out of her 2nd cancer and who doesn’t really believe that we can get better by “eating grass” as she says ^^. I think it will do her a lot of good.

Amandine, Naturopath

Nysaah, 30 November 2015
  • Chlorella eChlorial Quality
  • Fatigue
  • Joints
  • Well being

Much more energy and stress reduction

At the beginning of 2014, a pain in my right hip, wakes me up at night, in September of the same year not being able to bear it anymore, I change my mattress which was twenty years old, identical pain, not being able to bear it anymore I remember the chlorella used in 2010 for a dental extraction “but used only 15 days” and especially the kindness, the listening and the advices of Muriel Cathaud director, that I recontact being my lifesaver (I no longer believe in traditional medicine, since 1986, it is thanks to alternative medicine that I got out of a nervous breakdown that lasted 15 years, I forgot to tell you, I am 76 years old).

On March 23, 2015 I use Chlorella again, and there!…surprise! mid-April 2015 no more pain at night, finished, gone, we are at the beginning of July, it’s wonderful, thank you Muriel, thank you to all the people who make this little green algae.

Oh, that’s not all … I decide to play the game for 3 months for the regrowth of my hair because the scalp was thinning, YES, it works, my hairdresser is amazed at the result, and well I can assure you that it is not 3 months but ONE year that I will take Chlorella.


– much more toned, less tired

– less stressed

– less aggressive and more patient

– much cooler

– and the icing on the cake, I’ve regained a taste for life.

Ah an oversight, my sister leaving a 15 day stay with us, told me that my head was no longer shaking, and about her, Annie who has a deforming rheumatoid arthritis had no inflammation during her visit to the house, yes you got it, she has been consuming Chlorella for 2 months. It works, in May 2015 we left 5 days 780 kilometers, I ensured the driving without fatigue isn’t it wonderful!……

An advice if you allow it, it is to note the changes which take place, because when we are well we forget easily the worries of health which we had BEFORE and it is very well.

Thank you very much Muriel


Thérèse, 7 July 2015
Note from the eChlorial team
We would like to stress that the people interviewed or who testify on our blog do so in all sincerity without any conflict of interest.